Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 11 continued...

1 1/2 Cigarettes Today

Doing great so far! Told ya a busy day keeps the nicotine away. Blogging from work, a first! I had one whole cigarette this morning and one half of one cigarette on lunch. One: it's too damn cold to be sitting in my truck and two: I just don't plum enjoy it anymore. Unfortunately for me however, my body SCREAMS for nicotine. But when I get an opportunity to smoke, I end up gagging and coughing more often then not. Maybe I am just one of the lucky few that will be able to quit on my own simply because of the fact that my body rejects it. My mind will be the hardest thing to overcome.

See right now, I really want to go and finish that cigarette. I crave it. Bad.  But I know that once I go out there, freeze my patooty off, and start to smoke it, I will regret it. So, I am going to to try a completely foreign concept: NOT SMOKING. Amazing huh?! Believe it or not, and other smokers will stand by me, it's not as easy as it sounds. Telling yourself no in any situation is hard, but this is exponentionally worse. It's like taking a toy from a toddler...and I know how fun that is.

I have a half an hour to go on my break. Torture to think that that cigarette is just staring me in the face saying "Smoooooke meeee!". But I will not. If I can deny myself this one time now, then I can do it again, and again. The road to being tobacoo-free is never easy but one step in the right direction and you're on your way. Off we go.

Picture credit: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNASvsY_X9UqzpB9Kv3H5OhoEMCHT7D4DvPMVbAvOJe0G2HP4En77xiAFVT7wvwHEifiR4gNNvolUVFwaZu6b6JyV_EA2zn9uARpKQYqbJahDw2kwZHowcihW0UplkybiAxPTt-6hycWk_/s200/no_smoking_signsvg.png

Day 11

Good morning all! I'm really excited to see that Kristin Kicks Ash is starting to kick some ass! Welcome welcome to my first follower!! KKA is now showing up on some major search engines and should be accepted to some equally major blogosphere sites soon. Yay! But it's still in it's fledgling stages, it's you the reader that makes it stand out! So thank you for your support in making this project a reality and keep telling your friends. Your support helps others and I kick the habit for good! However, I'm only assuming that my blog is the BEST blog out there in the entire world, so obviously I need some feedback. So once again, tell your friends, family, random people on the street! Yell it from the rooftops! Share, comment, tweet, text, thumb up, digg, whatever! I will be doing the same.

I have to work in 45 minutes. Sigh. It's supposed to be my day to go see my mom but with the snow, that is not happening. Might as well go to work, make some money. It'll be alright. I know staying busy will keep the number of cigarettes to a minimum today, a good step in the right direction.

Less then one week 'til the big move! Excited and nervous at the same time. But, can't wait to start my new job and school, finally one big step closer to acheving my goals of working with children.

Gotta go walk the dog, he's driving me batty. Never mind the fact that it's 2 outside and windy. Nope, no rest for the weary when you have a puppy.