Friday, June 25, 2010

So It Begins...Again.

"I'll never blog again! I can't quit smoking, so why try?" I said recently, with tears in my eyes and frustration in my voice. I went many months, ignoring the computer, smoking like a chimney, with no regards to my health or mental well-being. Before, I loved to blog and I hated to smoke. But those priorities soon became reversed because of the challenges I faced in my life and over time, I took a giant leap in the wrong direction. Until today. Here I am with new found conviction, fighting the hesitation, the slight panic, and the fear of going through this whole process of quitting from the beginning...again.

Many things have happened since my last post. I have moved (three times), changed jobs (twice), and friends were made and lost and made again. All the while I was smoking cigarettes, not thinking of how much harder I was making the eventual reality of quitting on myself. Unwittingly building up an immunity so that breaking that tie to PM would be even harder. Hence the fear. The fear of an addict. I'm sure heroin, meth, and crack addicts go through the same fear when told to go to rehab. But there's no rehab for smokers, as much as I wish there was. I have to fight this addiction on my own. There is some help out there, yes, and I do plan on taking advantage of it, as I could not do it completely alone last time.

I will start slow, as I have said before, by cutting back the number of cigarettes I smoke in a day by one. I am going to call the QuitLine number today and see what they can do to help me. I will seek help from anyone that I can. This is it. Today, I am no longer a smoker.  Now it is time to turn over a new leaf. I've been working on stabilizing my life, my job, my relationships, and my finances. It is now time to add being smoke-free to the list.

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